Sunday, March 13, 2016

CNC puzzle!!

Just for fun! CNC puzzle!

Well I was building my CNC I came across with a problem. I had already connected the end stops for each axis separately as always ON switches and then I figured out that the controller has the end stops pins connected together for each axis (the - and the + as one). So I had to figure out how to connect them without changing the wiring..

So here is the game!..

You have to connect the wires from the End stops to the proper pins of the controller

  • This are closed circuits
  • Whichever switch is pressed should open the circuit 
  • Only one switch in each direction can be pressed at a time, for example only -Z, or +X and -Y, or -X -Y and +Z, but not -X and +X.
  • It doesn't matter if you mix the switches (example connect the -Z with +Y)
  • You cannot change or do anything outside the red boxes
  • In the red boxes there are no rules..

Good lack!
If you want the answer just send me a message and I will send it to you.


  1. I still can't figure this out... !
    Are you sure there is a solution??

  2. yep ask me if you want the answer
